Tuesday, December 8, 2009

From the computer of QueenFionaa PattinsonXXVII of Finlandia
To the awesome people who read this blog.
Eh yo, dudes!
Okay, so Imma blog about my church camp at Tanjung Bungah Beach Hotel!
Well, it was okay, I guess...
I really didn't like the part where Benjamin Cheng tore Robert Pattinson's picture from the Astro Guidebook.
And he gave that scrunched-up piece of paper to me.
Ishh.What a dude. Piece of work.
I'll bet if I told this to Robbie he would be soo mad, he'd sue Ben for discriminating his sexiness.
That's why, Ben, if you ever happen to read this blog, you know you're in troublee.
I'll upload pictures in the next post.
I'm a wee bit lazy right now.Hehe.
Yeah, and ElCrapio a.k.a my brother has gone off to Prayer & Fasting Camp.
Hoho he has to FAST. It'll be tough for the lil' dude.
I'll be at home....nourishing myself with good-for-nothing packets of Twisties and HAM.
Steamed and fried chicken HAM.
Not much of a cordon bleu article of food but it satisfies.
Oh. And I think I might like Jesse McCartney.
And Justin Bieber.
I shall now be known as ,"Mrs.Pattinson-McCartney-Bieber".
Nice, eh??
La Fin impressionnantes.

Fionaa C. Kessler-Pattinson @ 5:52 AM